Prof. Dr. Christoph
von Einem, LL.M.
Rechtsanwalt (Attorney-at-Law)
Prof. Dr. Christoph
von Einem, LL.M.
Rechtsanwalt (Attorney-at-Law)
- Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Dr. jur., 1988
- University of California, Berkeley, LLM 1986
- Technische Universität Munich, honorary professor 2009
- 1989 – 2006 Haarmann Hemmelrath & Partner, Munich
- 2006 – 2014 White & Case, Munich
- 2014 – 2020 Partner with ARQIS
- Since 2021 Of Counsel with ARQIS
Frequently recommended lawyer for Private Equity, Venture Capital, M&A and Corporate Law according to JUVE Handbook, JUVE Rechtsmarkt and Legal500.
Quotes from editors, clients and competitors in these publications:
- “renowned” lawyer
- “recognised Private Equity expert”
- “one of the first movers in Venture Capital in Germany”
- “many years of experience and visionary solutions“
- Prof. Dr. Christoph von Einem regularly publishes expert papers on M&A, Venture Capital and corporate law in books and highly regarded law journals. The publications often deal with international law, e.g. following publications:
- Einem, Christoph v./Xu, Hang: Article on the relaxed approval requirements regarding Chinese outbound investment and the need for further reform (“Der Anfang ist gemacht – Die Vereinfachung des Genehmigungsverfahrens chinesischer Direktinvestitionen im Ausland zeigt Wirkung”); In: M&A Dialog Deutschland/China, edition 01/2015
- Einem, Christoph v. et al.: The framework conditions for private equity investment in Germany and in international comparison (“Rahmenbedingungen für privates Beteiligungskapital in Deutschland und im internationalen Vergleich“), Private Equity in Deutschland – Rahmenbedingungen, ökonomische Bedeutung und Handlungsempfehlungen. Norderstedt, 2007