Data.Law News

Aktuelles aus der Fokusgruppe Data.Law

IT, AI, IoT, big data, data analytics, data ecosystems, clouds, digital transformation and digital ethics – data are an important enterprise value driver. We see this value increasing all the time in company balance sheets as a result of digital business models, but to a greater extent as a result of the digitalisation of analogue business models and strategies. At the same time, there are enormous cybersecurity, data security and litigation risks to address in order to protect the company, its employees and its stakeholders. In particular, companies have to protect their intellectual property, know-how and business secrets, as well as comply with data protection legislation and digital ethics obligations.

Mit unseren Beiträgen unterstützen wir Sie als Unternehmen dabei, stets den Überblick über die wichtigsten Themen, Regelungen und Neuigkeiten zu behalten.

Im September ist unsere neue Metaverse Blog-Serie gestartet. Lesen Sie mal rein!


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