Big Law Boutique

150 employees, 3 locations, 1 way

ARQIS combines the high degree of specialisation of a boutique with the quality level of a large law firm to create a unique "Big Law Boutique". The personnel structure and the well thought-out work processes are deliberately characterised by lean structures and flat hierarchies within the firm.

Because we are firmly convinced that we can only work successfully and achieve our goals as a team. This is the ARQIS way and today around 150 employees are walking this path together with us.

Podcast with Dr. Andrea Panzer-Heemeier

"We are a medium-sized company!"

How does a Big Law boutique actually work? What is everyday working life like at ARQIS after Corona? And what is the difference between a lawyer and an attorney?

Our Managing Partner Dr. Andrea Panzer-Heemeier answers precisely these questions and many more in an exciting podcast by Wirtschaft Düsseldorf unplugged with interview partner Andrea Greuner. Andrea Panzer-Heemeier provides insights into both her professional and private everyday life as a mother of two children and reports on her personal success and the success of ARQIS as an international commercial law firm.

Would you like to listen in?

Ihre digitale Karriere-Beraterin

Unsere virtuelle Kollegin LAWra weiß (fast) alles über die Karrieremöglichkeiten bei ARQIS. Ganz gleich, ob Sie Informationen zu unserem Bewerbungsprozess suchen, unsere Unternehmenskultur kennenlernen oder sich über die Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten bei ARQIS informieren möchten: LAWra freut sich auf Ihre Fragen. Und wenn LAWra einmal nicht weiter weiß, können Sie sich gerne direkt an das Human Resources-Team wenden.

Als digitale Beraterin steht sie Ihnen 24/7 zur Verfügung. Wir nehmen es direkt vorweg – das sind nicht unsere üblichen Arbeitszeiten.

Career path



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Career Paths
Career Paths

The ARQIS Academy

No matter which path we take - we take our employees with us. For example, on the career path: In order to specifically promote the potential of the ARQIS team, we have developed our own training and development programme with the ARQIS Academy.

At every career level, we offer events on the three Academy modules of law, business and soft skills. In this way, we support our employees in their professional and personal development.

„Fair Company 2024“

Our honours and awards

ARQIS is regularly recognised as a "Top Employer". Since 2022, ARQIS has carried the Fair Company Siegel. As a fair company, ARQIS thus fulfils the expectations and values of young professionals in a special way.

Our philosophy

The ARQIS Way reflects our law firm’s mission. We map out our own approaches to forming our ideas and policies, and to acting in accordance with our positions and visions, so that we can develop concepts and solutions that are perfectly tailored to our clients’ requirements.

Your career contact

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have on the subject of careers.