Career path

Young talent programmes

Gain practical experience and get started

Our ARQIS Juniors programme is aimed at trainee lawyers, research assistants, student assistants and interns. Working in a successful big law boutique like ARQIS offers many advantages. It is much more personal due to the smaller teams compared to large law firms and the opportunity to actively contribute to the project is a real plus for personal development.

The trainee programme therefore deliberately combines "learning on the job" with in-depth professional training. From day one, you will be involved in the projects of your team and actively work on the mandates together with the lawyers and legal specialists. In addition, during your time at ARQIS you will take part in the further training offered by the ARQIS Academy and special ARQIS Juniors programmes.

Your time as a junior at ARQIS

Personal development and fun at work

Your ARQIS journey begins with personal onboarding - here we take the time to familiarise you with the office, the equipment and the internal processes. Afterwards, you can look forward to your new team and your first tasks - because you already belong to it and we are counting on you. But don't worry, you can also rely on us: During your ARQIS time, a personal mentor as well as our cross-focus group training lawyers will always be at your side. We are there for you not only for professional questions, but also for exchanges on career topics such as career paths, doctorates, LL.M. or other personal topics.

Besides the content-related work, your personal development is very important to us. But you will also have fun at work and build up your network. As an ARQIS Junior, you receive a ticket to all our social events and our ARQIS Academy, which forms the core of the personal and professional development of all employees.


The training period is one of the most important stages in the career of a prospective lawyer. At no other time are there more options for gaining different experiences, learning and building a professional network. That is why our motto is: Immerse yourself in practice. As a trainee lawyer, you will be placed in a focus group based on your desired professional focus, which we will discuss during the recruiting process. At the same time, it is possible to "get a taste" of other focus groups and their work content during the course of your ARQIS time. In this way, you will very quickly get to know different activities of a lawyer in a commercial law firm.

We offer you flexible working time models for your legal and elective station. This allows you to get the most out of your internship and at the same time prepare optimally for the second state exam - with top remuneration, of course. For your exams, you will have access to an exam kit with current legal texts and literature, the JuraFuchs learning app and a budget for exam support from an external provider of your choice.

Like all ARQIS Juniors, you will have a personal mentor within the firm, but the network of Juniors among themselves is also a strong opportunity for professional exchange.

Your station is rounded off with a structured feedback discussion with your mentor.

Research assistants

Your legal traineeship is about to begin and you would like to get to know life at the law firm in advance? Or you currently have a bridging period and want to gain further practical experience? With your first exam in your pocket, ARQIS offers you many opportunities.

Begleitet durch den Mentor unterstützen die Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter unsere Fokusgruppen. Dabei sind sie immer nahe am Mandaten und stehen in der Regel mindestens drei Arbeitstage pro Woche zur Verfügung.

Like our trainee lawyers, all research assistants benefit from an exam case, the JuraFuchs learning app and a final feedback session.


You have decided to do a doctorate? We will be happy to support you in your plans.
Adapted to your situation, we will tailor a flexible working time model for you based on the HybridWork@ARQIS concept.

Student collaboration

Gain your first law firm experience while still studying law? Of course! No problem at ARQIS. We offer law students the opportunity to get a taste of law firm life and support us in office management, library management and in the area of assistance for one to two days per week.

Internship programme


Möchten Sie praktische Erfahrungen sammeln und den juristischen Alltag hautnah erleben? Dann ist unser Praktikantenprogramm genau das Richtige für Sie. Im Rahmen eines sechswöchigen Praktikums haben Sie als Studierender der Rechtswissenschaften die Möglichkeit, in einer unserer Fokusgruppen spannende Praxiserfahrung zu sammeln.

You are interested?

Upcoming career fairs

Meet us in person

The 12. Dezember 2024 will take place on Juracon München - and ARQIS will be there!

Lawyers and the Human Resources team are looking forward to representing ARQIS at the exhibition stand and to engage in personal exchange with interested participants. Meet us at the ARQIS booth and get the opportunity to get first-hand career information.

We look forward to your visit!


ARQIS as "top employer"

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Top Arbeitgeber 2024
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ARQIS ist von als „Arbeitgeber der Zukunft 2023“ ausgezeichnet.
ARQIS ist seit 2021 von als „Nachwuchsförderer“ ausgezeichnet.